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How To Make a Computer Cooling Fan Run More Quieter

If you have a noisy computer cooling fan, in your computer, there are a number of things you can do, that help towards a quieter computer cooling fan, they are below:

1)If you computer fan is connected to your computer's motherboard, either with a 3 or 4 pin connector, then you have the ability to reduce the fan speed rpm. The more faster the cooling fan spins, the more louder it will be, so reducing the fan speed will make the computer fan operate more quieter. Reducing the fan speed of your computer fan is not really recommend because it can increase the chances of the components in your computer to overheat.

2)Clean excess dust and dirt from cooling fan, will help reduce the noise the computer fan makes. Some ideal cleaning equipment will be necessary, such as a hoover and a can with compressed air, to remove the dust from the fan, that is making the most noise.

3)Pour any sort of lubricant that is oil based, into the insides of the fan's motor, can help towards make the fan run more quieter as well.

Below is a tutorial that shows you how to oil a computer fan:

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