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How To Replace The Battery Pack Inside a Gameboy Advance SP

If you want to replace the battery pack inside a Gameboy advance sp console because it won't charge, you will need a small sized philips screwdriver, this is to unscrew the screw that is holding down the battery cover and a replacement battery pack.

1)Remove the game cartridge from the console, and power it off.

2)Once you have done that, using a small sized philips screwdriver, unscrew the screw found on the battery cover, which is located behind the Gameboy console. When the screw is loose, remove the screw and then remove the battery cover and place them both onto to one side.

3)Remove the battery from the console and make sure you dispose it correctly.

4)Once the battery is removed from the Gameboy, insert the replacement battery pack with the two tabs in first.

5)Once the replacement battery is fitted into the console, replace the battery cover and replace the screw.

6)Tighten up the screw using a philips screwdriver, make you don't tighten the screw too tight because if you need to remove the battery cover again to replace the battery in the future, it will be a struggle to unscrew that screw.

7)Plug in your charger and charge up the Gameboy advance sp console up, before using it, make sure the battery pack is fully charged for the first time.

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