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How To Make Your Headphones Sound Like Dre Dre Beats

Dr dre has signed up with a audio company called Monster. Together with their partnership, they have created a unique line up with headphones. They are widely recognized by the 'B' beats logo and the red cabling used. These type of earphones are well known for their bass heavy production. Making them perfect if you listen to lots of bassy heavy music such as rap, to give you the car subwoofer effect. There are many great cheaper alternative to the Dre Dre beats headphones if your on a cheap budget and can't afford them right now. One type that i strongly suggest is the JVC FX1X iems. They look almost identical in appearance and perform just as good for a quartar of the retail price. They also come supplied with a sturdy carrying case to protect them on your travel on a bus or train. If you have these iems or with similar specifications, i have discovered many great ways to make your headphones sound like the beats.

1) Use a paramertic equalizer application. If you own either an iphone or andriod smartphone, there are many apps on the market to download for free that allow you to have a 5 band or more fully adjustable equalizer. Using this kind of app will allow you to boost the bass sounds higher and get more boomy or deeper sounding bass and reduce the amount of treble.

2) Get an amplifier. Connecting an amp in line with your music player to power your headphones will provide that extra grunt and kick. This will certainly help bring out the low end frequencies and increase soundstage. I would recommend looking into the fiio e5 headphone amplifier because it pairs nicely with most low impedance drivers.

3) Find the right rubber seal tips that fit the best. There are different sized tips, the idea of them is not so you can plug your ears in, but to also isolate the music from the noisy environment surrounding you. The tighter the seal, the more tighter the bass is going to sound. You can also purchase additional dual or triple flange tips from Ebay for that extra length for more air pressure to go into your ear canal. With the right setup and music, you can make your ear drums vibrate from the pressure created from the speakers.

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