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How To Check If Your Fiio Headphone Amplifier Is Fake

There are many fakes on the market that replicate authentic fiio headphone amplifiers. They may be cheaper, but the build quality will not be so great and the sound quality will not be high quality. They are made up from cheaper components and are mass produced. They are not durable and don't last as long. If you want to check whether or not the fiio headphone amplifier that you have purchased recently has authenticity follow the instructions below.

1) Head to the following website link.

2) You will need to scratch off the special coating on the sticker on the box to show the 20 bit security code number.

3) Enter this number into the 'Check Authenticity' box and click the magnifying glass. This will then allow the website to search Fiio's database to see whether or not its recognized as an official product on there database.

4) The results will now be displayed in your internet browser. If you get a happy face that means that you have an authenticate product. If you get an unhappy face then the product is fake and is a cheap copy since its not recognized.

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