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How To Fix Noisy Static Fiio E11 Crackling Volume Knob Button

Many different models from the fiio portable headphone amplifier range tend to develop a common crackling noise when you increase or decrease the volume using the circle potentiometer. This can also sound like scratching, hissing or static in the background when you are listening to music with your earphones connected. This is common and is usually not a fault with the board or soldering. Its just that there is dust trapped inside the analog mechanism and needs cleaning out. There is no need to send it back to the manufacturer under warranty for repair just yet. See if you can fix this problem yourself because it will save you time as you have don't have to send your amp to a technician to service.

1) Connect your amplifier to a music source and play some music of your choice.

2) Take off the plastic cover from the back of your amp.

3) You will see the PCB and the volume button solder points inside. This is the closest you are going to get in terms of access.

4) Purchase a can of compressed air from your computer shop. Blast out the air directly onto the volume button knob area.

5) Place the headphones on top of your ears and turn the volume knob to see if the crackling sound has reduced. If its not completely gone you will need to keep repeating step four until it is disappeared. 

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