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How To Wipe The Outer Screen Of a Nokia X6

The Nokia x6 is a fingerprint magnet, especially if you touch the Nokia x6 screen frequently, you will make unpleasant looking finger prints to be shown on the outer screen. This is not a big issue because you can simply wipe it clean, using the appropriate cleaning material. I have seen people clean mobile phone screens using a kitchen or toilet roll tissue, which will cause faint scratches to occur on the screen, which is not appropriate.

Instruction on how to clean the screen on a Nokia x6 the correct way:

1)Get a lint free soft cloth, as this type of cleaning cloth is dust free and will not make dust enter underneath the screen.

2)Using the lint free soft cloth, gently wipe the outer plastic covering the screen. When wiping it, make sure you clean in the upwards and downwards direction, as cleaning it in a circular motion will cause faint visible scratches to appear on the outer screen.

(Don't use cleaning solutions to clean the outer screen on the Nokia x6, as the chemicals inside them might cause damage to the touch screen.)

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