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How To Fix a PS2 Corrupted Memory Card

If the data on your ps2 memory card is corrupted and the ps2 memory card is no longer operating correctly, then you have two possible solutions you can try out:

1)Sometimes the ps2 memory card can have dust on the connectors, connectors that connect into the ps2 memory card reader, which can prevent proper operation to occur. So using a tissue, wipe clean the contacts on the ps2 memory card. Once you have cleaned them, you will also need to clean the ps2 memory card reader. Using your finger, press in the memory card flap and using a hoover the connectors inside the flap.

2)If cleaning didn't fix a ps2 memory card that is corrupted, you will need to buy a disc called AR MAX, which allows you to format it. When you apply a format to the ps2 memory card that is corrupt, you will lose all the data that is on it, although on the bright side you memory card will function correctly like it should.

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