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Can You Unlock a Car Door Using a Mobile/Cell Phone, Is It True?

Yes it is true, you can unlock a car door using a mobile phone, but not just with a mobile phone, you also need a spare control that allows you to open your car doors, as your friend will need it to use the remote "Unlock" button on the control to open the car doors. If your car doors have to open using a key less entry system, you can open then with your mobile phone, however if they are not and your car doors open with a car key, opening the car doors using a mobile phone won't work. If you do have a spare remote button control and you have left it a home and you have lost or left the remote keys in the car and the car doors are all locked, you can't get in, you are basically stuck. But by unlocking your car doors using you and your friends cell phone will allow you to unlock all the car doors. I have tried to see if it works and yes i opened my car doors over my mobile phone, so it has been tested. 

Let me explain how it works, OK somebody has to call your on you're mobile phone and answer the call. You then tell the other person on the cell phone, to hold the spare remote button control near their phone's antenna. You then hold your cell phone about a foot away from the car and tell the other person on the call to press the button on the remote button control, which opens the car doors, known as the "Unlock" button. Then the car doors will be all unlocked, thanks to invisible radio waves.

If you want do unlock your car doors using this method, check my other blog post out, because i have provided instructions that are more specific, just click on the link below:

Instructions on how to unlock a car door with a mobile phone 

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