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Solutions On How To Prevent & Stop Dropped Calls On iphone 4 For 2012

If you are using your iphone 4 on an daily basis to make calls to friends, family and work collegues, you will properly likely to experience call dropping and getting disconnected every so often when using the device to make a call. Your properly puzzled why the calls keep getting dropped and so was i. This was a very annoying problem because callers on the other end will eventually get annoyed at your phone calls, as they keep dropping. There are a couple of reasons, as well as solutions to solve the problem, based on why the signal problem happens and i would like to share them with you, to prevent this problem reoccurring again and again.

1) You are likely to have an weak signal from your network provider, from there phone mast. If a network provider provided in your area, where you are using the iphone4 to make calls and browse the internet is poor, it will not function properly and the calls will get dropped, when there is no signal and the internet connection will become really slow and unusable. The way to get around this is to check your networks coverage in your area, this is to see if its strong or weak. If its weak, then try moving onto a 2g signal or change the network provider, as that is the cause to this sort of problem. If its strong, then consider solutions 2, 3 & 4.

2) The network provider of the sim card inside your iphone 4 could be carrying out some mechanical work to the phone mast, as it might need some maintenance. If this happens, you will frequently get interruptions in the middle of your calls. To find if there is any maintenance work been carried out on the phone transmitters, give the customer service a call to find out.

3) If you are using the iphone4 using your left hand and holding it in that hand, like in the picture provided above, you are covering up the antenna. A antenna is a device in mobile phones that receives signal from the phone mast, if you block it, by holding the device in your left hand on this handset, you are preventing it to gain signal and the signal strength meter will show no bars, which decreases the signal reception gained from the network. This is because the two sides in the black strip on the metal band get covered up, this problem is known as Death Grip. If this is a problem for you, i would suggest you to buy an iphone bumper case, as Apple themselves said its an solution for left hand users because its prevent direct contact with your hands skin onto the strip, which doesn't cause interruption with the antenna.

4) Update the software on your iphone 4, as you might have the old software version that had bugs, which caused signal problems for users that makes calls on the mobile phone. By updating it your signal strength will certainly improved and will become more stronger and you will also benefit from the new feathers included in the update.

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