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What Does Lows, Mids and Highs Mean In Car Audio?

In car audio, there are three components that create sounds, which are lows, mids and highs that all, well most car audio enthusiasts are aware about. But there are some new comers and don't really have a clue on what they mean. So i am going to explain all three to you.

Lows stands for low frequencies that are between 20-120 Hz, it is the frequencies that creates the boom boom sound, called bass. Lows are meant to be played on a car subwoofer, with a enclosure, because a subwoofer has a large cone area, to produce the low sounds.

Mids stands for sounds that are mid ranged that are between 120-2000 Hz frequencies. The mid sounds are played on a loudspeaker, a speaker that is usually mounted in front door panels. This speaker has a role to create voice heard in music.

Highs stands for sounds that are high pitched that are between 2000 Hz-20,000 Hz. and are sounds that a loudspeaker or subwoofer can't produce. The highs are played through tweeters, which are connected to a crossover to send just the high frequencies to it, to prevent the tweeter getting damaged. Tweeters usually make the overall impression of sound to be more clear and to enhance the amount of sound quality heard in your car audio system.

If you have a car equalizer that says, lows, mids and highs, it will have a slider under each of them three. Each slider will increase the amount of db of that sound frequency. For example, if you increase the low slider and decrease the mids slider, you will hear more bass. 

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