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How To Fix Sim Card Not Recognized Samsung Galaxy S3 / S4

If you are having problems trying to get your Samsung Galaxy S4 to recognize your sim card consider the provided solutions.

1) Power off device and remove battery pack for 30 seconds. Reboot device to see if sim card is recognized.

2) Remove sim card and clean metal contacts using a soft cloth. Please don't use any cleaning solvents or water since this can cause further damage to the device.

3) Blow directly onto the sim card slot. Dust and dirt could possibly be on the gold metal contacts causing conductivity issues between both slot and sim contacts.

4) Perform a factory reset. This could be a software issue.

5) Test sim card in another smartphone device. Since the sim card could be faulty or a defect and not the phone itself. If this is the case, see if your network provider can provide you with a free replacement.

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