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How To Fix Headphone Jack Issue On HTC ONE M7 / M8

Both the HTC one M7 & M8 are well known for their superb audio and sound quality produced via the headphone jack. Some recent users have experienced issues with plugging headphones into the jack with an error message saying 'Headphones not recognized' and no sound is heard. This problem occurs usually because there is dust or dirt trapped inside the socket. If this does occur, the metal contacts inside will not have good conductivity with the 3.5mm jack and therefore will interrupt music playback. It is very unlikely that it is an hardware issue since the build quality on them are far the most best in today's smartphone industry.

1) Turn off the HTC device.

2) Blow directly into the socket. Next get a soft cotton bud and twist it anticlockwise repeatably for about 10 seconds.

3) Retest sound on headphones to see if issue has been fixed.
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