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How To Properly Use The Squelch Control On a CB Radio

What does squelch do?

All CB radio manufacturers include a squelch control circuit, with an adjust knob so you can block out any background interface or static on channels. The squelch control knob has to be adjusted correctly, in order to filter out the interference, without filtering out other people using the channel. This can happen, if you don't properly adjust the squelch control and just turn it all the way up. 

1) Locate the squelch control knob on your CB radio. Most CB radios made by Cobra or Superstar, will have it placed behind the 'Volume Control' button. It should be easy to find, it will be labeled as 'Squelch Control' above the knob. If you have any problems, please refer to the user manual for accurate directions.

2) Go to a channel that you want to try this feature on. Rotate the squelch knob counter clockwise, stop rotating it until you no longer hear any background noise/interference from speaker. Leave the squelch control alone once adjusted right, there is no need to decrease or increase it, unless background noise becomes more apparent.

3) Readjust the squelch control on the CB radio every time you change onto a different channel. This is because some channels will have more background noise than others, due to weather conditions and other obstructions.
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