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Top 5 Tips On Charging a Car Battery Perfectly

If you want your car battery to charge up correctly and effectively, apply the following top 5 tips just below:

1)Make sure you buy a car charger that is designed for charging up a car battery. I have seen people that charge them using a dc adapter and other house hold chargers, please don't use things that are not appropriate. If you do you are likely to not charge up your dead battery successfully.

2)Make sure you match the car battery charging crocodile clips, with the correct polarity. All car battery chargers, have two crocodile clips, one red, that connects to the positive post and the black, that connects to the negative post. People always damage there car battery by reversing the correct polarity the wrong way round.

3)Before charging your dead car battery, always top your battery up with battery water.

4)Before using your car charger, get a multimeter and test the voltage that it produces. The reading should be around 12 volts, if its above that reading, your charger will damage you car battery. Always check the volts of you car batter charger, just to be on the safe side.

5)Make sure you don't overcharge the car battery. If you do, you will reduce its life because you are damaging the cells inside the battery. To prevent overcharging to occur, simply check your charging battery indicator on your charger, from time to time. If its shows it is fully charged, immediately unplug the car battery charger.

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