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How To Fix a Car CD Player That Is Not Reading discs

After a while you car CD player will struggle to read discs because the laser lens is probably dirty and needs a quick clean. There are two ways to clean the laser on a car CD player. The first method will be to buy a CD cleaner disc kit, that contains a special disc with brushes and a cleaning solution. What this disc does is clean the laser, without having you opening your car head unit.

The second option would be to get a lint free ear bud and some cheap rubbing or cleaning alcohol. Then opening your car head unit and getting access to the disc mechanism. Then you would have to pour some rubbing alcohol onto the ear bud and gently clean the laser lens. Make sure you don't clean in a circular motion because that will cause faint scratches.

If none of these ideas resolved the problem and your car CD player is still not reading discs, then i suggest you replace the laser lens.

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