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How To Remove Sticker Glue Residue From TV Screen

When you purchase your Plasma LCD TV brand new, sometimes there will be certain stickers placed onto the screen to display what features it contains such as 1080p HD, 600 HZ etc... While these stickers look cool when the television is on display at the shop, bringing it home and removing the stickers is hard work and effort. If you want to remove the sticker glue residue from your TV screen with perfection, follow the instructions provided as it worked the best for me.

1) Get a normal everyday hair dryer and heat up the sticker. Go upwards and downwards doing left and right strikes so the heat can be evenly applied. Do this for about 30 seconds.

2) Grab the corner of the sticker and slowly being to peel it away in the opposite direction. Remember take your time, the more quicker you pull it off the more amount of glue residue will be left on the television screen.

3) To remove any remaining glue, spray WD40 onto the affected area and simply wipe away.

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