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How To Fix PS2 Black Screen On Startup Not Booting Up

If your PS2 console is not booting up, no sound and you are getting a black screen even when the console is powered on, its a problem with the video connection. This can be anything from a damaged cable to a dirty metal contact. 

1) Make sure you are in the right AV mode for your socket that you have connect your games console into. For example 'SCART 1' should be selected if you have connected the AV cable into that connection.

2) Check all cables and connections. Check that the AV cable is firmly inserted into the back of your PS2 console and into the back of your television.

3) Unplug the AV cable from the PlayStation 2 console and clean the metal contacts using a cotton bud. Plug it back in, reboot and try again.

4) Try a different AV cable. The current one that you are using could have damaged wiring inside, as the soldering may possibly be degraded.

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