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How To Make a E Cig Battery Last Longer

Sigelei 200W E-Cigerette Battery

If you have left your USB charger at home for your ecig, you want your electronic cigarette to last you all day. If you are in this situation, you want to make your e cig battery last longer. The best way is to turn off the screen display when not in use. This will save some battery power, but turning down the wattage output power will make the most significant difference on making your vape pen battery last longer. This is because the battery will produce less volts and amps to make the coil work. Resulting in less vapour thick cloud production of smoke, but your e cig battery has the potential to last twice as longer. Now theses instructions are different depending on the brand of your mod, but they should be at least similar.

1) Switch into Variable wattage mode.

2) You will see the watts displayed on the mini LCD screen.

3) There will be usually two buttons to control the watts up and down.

4) Press the down button to decrease the power, i would say something around 25 watts is vapeable still to get you the nicotine hit. Watts anything lower than that will not be satisfying to most heavy smokers.

5) When you have finished vaping, we suggest its best to turn off the device completely to save more battery power.
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