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How To Make a Computer Fan Spin Faster

If you are wanting to make your intake or exhaust computer fan spin more faster and your computer fan is connected to your computer's motherboard with a 3 pin or 4 connection, you can control and increase the speed of the fan. To make this possible, there is a excellent software called 'Speed Fan', that allows you to control the rpm speed of the fan's motor. You can use this software to increase the fan speed of the CPU cooling fan as well, but only if the fan is connected with either a 3 or 4 pin connector, to your motherboard. If your cooling fan is connected directly to your computer power supply, using a 4 pin molex connector, you can't increase the fan speed, using this software.

OK, so you are probably wondering how to use Speed Fan to make your computer fan spin faster, so there is a tutorial video below, showing you how:

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