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How To Make Your Car Run Quiter On The Road & Inside

If your car sounds really loud, then your probably want to quite you're car down, if you do want to make your car quite, i have listed all the possible ways you can achieve that with your car, just below:

1)If the engine inside your car is really loud and very noisy, then it might need a top up of engine oil, this is to lubricate the components, making them run smoother and quieter. To check if your car needs some engine oil, turn off your car engine and open the hood. Locate the dip stick and pull it out, then wipe the stick clean, then replace it back into the engine. Then pull it out again and look at both sides of the dipstick, this is to see the colour of the oil that is on the dip stick. The dip stick should have two letters "L" that stands for low and "H" that stands for high. If the the oil on the dip stick reached near the letter "L", then engine will need topping up with engine oil.

2)Turn off the car radio and turn off any other electronics that make noise, things like wipers or heaters.

3)If your car has a performance exhaust with a decat pipe, the exhaust will sound really loud and beefy, however if you don't like it, remove the complete exhaust with a stock exhaust system.

4)If your car has a cold air intake, remove it and replace it with a stock air filter system. Replacing it with a stock air filter system will make the car engine sound quieter because aftermarket cold air intakes make a loud air rushing noise when you put your foot down.

5)If your car has noisy hydraulic lifters, you can make them quieter by pouring in a quick fix solution into the car engine. They way to identify if the hydraulic lifters are noisy, open the hood on the car, if you hear a constant tapping noise, your car engine has noisy hydraulic tappers. A product that i would recommend to you is called "Wynns hydraulic valve lifter treatment". Just pour it into the engine oil and it will lubricate noisy hydraulic lifters, making them quieter than before.

6)If your car has squealing breaks, it is very likely that the break pads are worn out. So replace them and you will have better breaking response and quieter brakes. 

7)Also make sure the spark plugs inside your car are in good condition. Bad spark plugs can cause the car engine to make a backfire sound, which can be annoying and loud.

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