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How To Fix a TomTom That Can't Find Valid GPS Satellites Signal

A TomTom is an ideal device for you, if you want to find a place, without having to find it the old fashion way using a black and white map. However electronics devices are always known to cause problems when you need them, which applies to a TomTom sat nav. Usually, TomTom sat navs are always reliable, as it's a common well known brand that has great reviews and an good reputation from Halfords. However, sometimes the TomTom can't find a valid gps signal, so the device can't link with the satellites in space, therefore it will not operate, the maps won't load and you can't search for an address. This can be really frustrating at times, however there are some ways to get around this issue for 2012.

1) Place the TomTom in a location in your car were the gps antenna, that is built into the device can get great coverage from the sky. I recommend that you don't hold it in your hand or lap or place it on the seat while using it to navigate, this blocks the signal and this is risky because it can act as an distraction to you and the chances of you having an accident increases or you might get caught by the police and get points, as well as a fine. So an ideal place would be to mount the unit onto the holder, sticking holder as high as possible on the front windscreen of your vehicle. This will allows the car sat nav to receive more incoming signal from the satellites and create a valid connection to them, as the gps antenna has much more exposure to the sky.

2) Also the device software could get corrupted and a quick hard reset to restore it back to default settings, which is normally the solution for most TomTom owners, that fixes the common no signal problem, on most associations. So give it an try. You can reset your TomTom by inserting a small screwdriver or a sharp needle into the reset button in the tiny hole located on most devices at the bottom, where the usb socket is. Push the object onto the button and hold for about 5 seconds, then release the button.

3) There was an leap year bug, which caused most people to face the no gps signal message to appear on there device and TomTom actually admitted in April 2012 to the problem and they said that it occurred because their was an bug in the software, that left particular models unable to locate a gps position. So if you update your software on your sat nav around March-April 2012, the chances are high that you have the bug in your TomTom, if you have updated it recently. So update it to the latest software and problem should be solved.

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