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How To Make a PS2 Console Play Burned Backup Copied Pirated Games

If you have a ps2 console, you are probably wanting to modify it, this is so you can play backup copies of original games you already own. Having backup burned copies of your games on writable media is handy, if you have scratched or cracked the original game because you can still play that game, as you can insert your backup copy of the game into your PlayStation 2 console and play. When Sony created the ps2 console, they added a copyright feature in the motherboard, this is so people can't play burned games on the ps2 console. Sony did that, to reduce piracy from pirate games from selling to owners of ps2 consoles and game developers going into losses, as people would rather buy a "£5.00" for a burned copy of Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Instead of paying the official retail price which would be around "£40.00", which you would not want to pay for a game.

So you have to modify your ps2 console in order to make in play burned copies of games you own on you Playstation 2 console. This can be done by soldering a mod chip onto the motherboard, to break the copyright protection code that the ps2 laser reads of game discs, to make your ps2 console think that it has the original copy of the game, when you insert a burned game into the disc tray. A mod chip is not easy to install, it requires advanced soldering skills and soldering equipments and you need to know were each wire needs to be soldered on the motherboard. One mistake and you can damage your ps2 console, which means you can't return your ps2 for a refund because you have opened it to install the chip, so if things go bad, then you are screwed!

If you don't like soldering and don't want to open your ps2 console and void the warranty, you can soft mod it using a "Swapmagic" disc. Swapmagic is a disc that you insert into your ps2 console, then swap the Swapmagic disc with a copied game. Before swap magic works, you will need to remove the front plastic on the disc drive, this is so you can insert a slide card into to make the disc tray come out, so you can insert the copy game into the disc tray, without the ps2 know you are switching discs. Swapmagic is great and work perfectly, but it gets annoying when you change games often, because you have to reinsert the Swapmagic disc back into the console and swap it with a copied game.

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