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How To Clean a Dusty Fan On a PS2 Fat Style Console

If you have been using your ps2 console for a long time, the fan can become really dusty and cause the ps2 graphics and CPU processor to overheat. When the cooling fan and the grill in front of it is full of dust, it can't draw all the hot air inside the ps2 console out as quickly, causing more heat to built up inside the console. Cleaning a dusty ps2 fan can also make your ps2 look brand new once again and is not really hard for you to clean.


1)Remove all the cables, including the power cable, controller and av TV cable from the ps2 console, to make cleaning easier for you to do.

2)Turn your ps2 console around to the rear of it, you will see a plastic grill with a cooling fan placed behind it, that is full of dust.

3)Once you have located the cooling fan grill, get a vacuum cleaner and using the nozzle to suck up all the dust inside the vents and fan blades. If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, then use a can of compressed air to blow out all the dust, it does the job just fine.

4)Once you have cleaned the cooling fan, connected the wires you removed from it earlier on.

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