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How To Reset a Forgotten Xbox Live Passcode

A passcode is used on a Xbox live account to protect other people from using it, however sometimes we create a password that we don't remember, this can suck because if you can't remember the password, you can't sign into Xbox Live. However, if you have forgotten the passcode on your Xbox live account, then you there is a way to get around it.


The gamer profile that you have forgotten the passcode needs to be deleted. So find it and then delete it.

How to delete an Xbox 360 profile:

1)In the my Xbox area, select the option called "System Setting".

2)Then select "Memory" and select the device that the gamer profile is saved onto. For example,. if the profile is saved onto the hard drive, you will have to select the hard drive as the device.

3)Then select the gamer profiles, through the list, find the profile you want to delete.

4)Then select "Delete" and when asked, select "Delete Profile Only", as you don't want your game saves and add ons to get deleted off the hard drive.

5)Now you will have to recover the gamertag back onto the console, this is by going into the Xbox dashbaord and select "Recover Gamertag from Xbox Live".

6)There will be a box, in that box you will have to enter the name of the profile is called, basically enter the gamertag, once entered, select "Done" and then select "Next".
7)You will now need to type in your email address and the password you use to login into Xbox live on the profile you just deleted. The email and password that is associated with your gamertag.

8)Once you have entered all the details required, select "Done" and select "Sign In"

9)Once signed in, your forgotten passcode will be reset and the account will login into Xbox live.

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