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How To Start Your Car With a Dead Battery

If you realise the signs and symptoms of a dead car battery or a faulty starter motor, you can still start the car's engine. Although you can fix a dead car battery, by charging it up using a battery charger, but if you need to use you car then you need to start it!

Instructions on how to start a car with a faulty starter motor or flat battery, without using jump leads:

1) In order for this to trick work, you will need a second person beside yourself because the first person has to sit in the drivers seat and the second person has to push the car. Depending on the mass of the car, you may need more than one person to push the car. If you have got nobody to push your car, it won't work.

2)Make sure you turn off all the electrics in your car that can take battery power, such as cd players, fog lights and headlamps.

3)Then turn the key into the on position.

4)Now depress your car's clutch, leaving your foot on it to keep it continuously depressed.

5)Now using your stick shifter, shift into first gear and the release the car's hand brake and foot brake.

6)Now tell person to push the car back and forward to get the car rolling, usually works best on hill.

7)Now release the clutch and and give the car's engine and little gas, using the foot pedal and once the car is starting to move rapidly, your car's engine should successfully start up.

(This trick for starting a dead car battery only work on manual transmission cars, not automatic)

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