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11 Ways To Increase Your Phones Battery Life for 2011

The basics of understanding a mobile phone battery

There any many mobile phones that are power hungry and need power to run the phone at best performance.Battery's that are in many mobile phones are usually smaller and lighter in most modern touch screen style phones compared to candy bar or slider designs.The more smaller the phone's are designed the more smaller the battery pack is going to be.This is difficulty for the manufactures to produce such small battery's for such a slim phone's.So instead they make the phone take less power and more efficient instead, so its balances everything out.If you had your phone at least more than one year then i recommend that you change your battery pack.They can't last for long,they slowly loose charge,and start to leek if the phone is kept unused.Mobile phones need power to keep them running.

Here are some great ways to save battery life for any make and model. Samsung,Nokia,Sony Erricson,Motorola,Htc,iphone etc..Below are some very good ways that you can use on your handsets to save battery life usage:

1)If you don't use 3g network then i suggest that you switch to gsm 2g.This saves lots of power and keeps your battery happy.
2)Turn off bluetooth when your not using because it is a big power drainer.People seem to leave them on because they actually don't realize how much battery life they are taking away!
3)Turn you display brightness down to level that is acceptably good for daily viewing.Save loads of battery life by simply turning it down.
4)Turn your wifi off when you are not using it.
5)Change your mobile phone battery to a brand new original battery,don't buy cheap fakes of ebay.
6)Buy a extended long life battery,double the amount of charge than in one battery.
7)If you broke your charger that original that came with your phone,replace it with a same exact original charger,don't buy cheap chargers they don't charge good as the real stuff.
8)You should discharge your mobile phone and then recharge it.This boosts the dead cells in the battery.
9)Turn off the vibration when you get a text or call.You could save 15-20 minutes of battery life.
10)Stop turning your phone off and back on again,i did some tests and it makes battery drain faster because it needs power to restart and load up.
11)Stop playing loud music,turn the volume down.The more louder you play,the more voltage the speaker's needs.The more voltage the more strain you got to remember that!

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