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Why are under glow car neon's not allowed and illegal?

Every body likes the idea to have one day neon or led kit underglow lights under your vehicle chassis but there is always a problem with the police.The law dislikes the fact of cars with modifications that are related to lighting that is exposed on the road.Most country have banned certain colored neon's and led's for cars such as colors that look like emergency vehicles flashing lights and its the same for inside interior lighting if its really bright!.

The three most common colors that are already banned are in the uk colors such as blue,red and white.The reason why they are banned because if you install bright colored neon or led bulb lights which colors that match police cars and ambulance vehicles like blue,then the other drivers start to get confused and get fooled into thinking your driving a emergency vehicle when your not,which causes emergency services to waste time and costing them money giving tickets out to people that have them fitted.

Sometimes traffic laws might tell you do use lower powered ones that are not as bright as high voltage neon's as street glow ones.But still its ok to use them off road track or on private land,if you just want to show off.Also blinking and flashing alternating bright eye catching colors in neon tubes should be 100% illegal in your country as well but it always best to check with your local traffic law in case rules have been changed for driving regulations.

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