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5 ways how you can grow your hair faster in 7 days

1)Take care of you hair you only get it once,so take care of it.You should see a hairdresser often for women and for the men a barber shop to get your hair cut and maintain your hair on a regular basis.For both male and female you should regular on a basis have a hair cut every 2 weeks.Having a hair cut makes you more smarter and more attractive and more of a nicer impression towards other people.Cutting you hair more often increase hair growth at least 3 times faster compared to hair that does not get cut every 2 weeks.

2)Don't buy cheap hair products,like cheap £1.00 shampoo's and other hair accessories,these are really poor quality and that's why they are so cheap.Also once in a while keep your hair healthy buy using lots of natural moisturizer products that you can buy from a shop or online.Never mind that if your a addict and you keep washing you hair every day,you might think to your self that your hair is going to be more better,but actually when you are washing your hair away,you wash out all the oils that the hair's on you head natural produced.So keep the washing to limit,your air does better without constant washes.

3)Handle you hair with care,did you know that or average between 70-150 hairs fall out daily on a humans head?So if you pull you own hair out,for example like you pull a odd white colored hair you see on your head,if you consistently keep pulling out the odd hairs,then you maybe pulling your own hair out faster than it falls of naturally as a result later on in life you increase the chance of being bold when you hit 21 years of age.A good tip is to brush carefully especially for men that have long hair styles,if you have big knot's in your hair and if its wavy or curly then take your time when it comes to brushing it.Use a good brush and brushing your hair first and then having a shower later can minimize tangles Hairdryers are nice and warm,but they will burn your hair up if overused,your hair on your head hates heat so limit the use of the hairdryer or stop using any other heating products on your hair.

3)What make your hair grow?Well eating the right types of food makes your hair grow faster and longer overnight.Foods that are rich in protein like eggs,beans,fish and chicken help you get them dead roots out of your scalp grow again.Did you know that your body needs several building blocks in order to produce a healthy scalp and quality hair,especially if you have black hair.But be patience results can take nearly 7 months to take effect,so keep eating healthy and rich vitamin c food and don't give up.Eating a balanced diet can help to human body absorb the iron into your blood, if you eat food that is rich in iron that is.

4)Stress is the most common cause of reversible hair loss and it still happens today.If you have a headache or you feel stressed out then its 100% vital and important to relieve your stress of your head.When most people feel stress out in there life's it takes between 3 weeks to 2 months before you see the changes on your hair that are related to daily stress.Some people can loose hair on there emo,face and chest.

5)Did you know that the more body fat you have on you also on the negative side loose some of your hair on your scalp.So if you are trying to loose weight then don't lose it at once and try avoiding dramatic weight loss.This is because your body undergoes when it thinks it loses weight fast and can cause you to have thin,brittle,and thin hair so be carefully about how you are going to loose the weight.

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