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How To Make a PSP Battery Lid Cover Yourself

If you have broken or lost the battery lid that covers the psp battery, you can make your own lid and its not that hard.

Things you will need, to make your homemade psp battery lid cover are the following:

*A scissor
*A strong and durable cardboard
*A pen
*A psp console
*Double sided tape

1)Using your pen, draw the outside shape of the psp, were the psp battery lid is supposed to fit onto top of the battery, onto the cardboard accurately.

2)Cut of the shape you just drawn on the cardboard, using scissors carefully!

3)Once you have cut out the cardboard shape of a psp battery lid, on one side of the cardboard psp lid, place double sided tape.

4)Now firmly place the cardboard psp battery lid on top of the psp battery, with the double sided tape facing towards towards the battery, making the cardboard stick to the psp battery.

5)There you have it, you have made your own psp lid to protect the psp battery from getting damaged and to stop the battery from falling out of the psp.

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