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How To Clean a Sky HD Remote Control At Home

A remote control can be used in conjunction with a Sky digital box so that you can control the functions from the comfort of your armchair. As you are probably already aware, the remote control is used by a number of people that live in the same household as you. This can cause the condition of the remote control to become unhygienic and in a bad state, especially if you have young children around the house. The buttons will start to stick and will be blocked from pressing them down properly. If this is the case you don't necessarily need a brand new replacement, you can simply clean your Sky remote control yourself and refurbish it back to a high standard.

1) Remove the battery compartment lid and remove the inserted battery.

2) Obtain a Philips head screwdriver and unscrew all screws found at the back.

3) Get a swipe card and run it around all the sides of the plastic. This will then split the remote control into two half's.

4) Remove the buttons from the top part of the remote control. They are removable and made out of rubber.

5) Also remove the circuit board PCB from the bottom half.

6) Place the two halfs and the remote control button plastics into a washing machine. Put them in for a quick cycle. The motion of the wash will remove all bacteria, dirt and germs from these inserted items without you having to do so saving you valuable time.

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