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How To Make a Ecig Battery Last Longer

The coil that warms up the e liquid obtains its power from the connected battery. The higher the mah is the more longer it can hold a charge for, but it also takes longer charging it up. If you want to know all the ways to make your e cig battery last longer you have come to the right place.

1)  Allow your battery to be fully charged before use. Using your battery on half charge is not good for the life span. Also its not charged to its full capacity so it will only deliver so much charge. It takes around 3 hours for a standard 18650.

2)  Don't use sub ohm coils. These are anything that are under 1.0 ohm such as 0.5 or 0.2 coils. You want to be above one ohm because the lower the resistance is the more amps its going to pull from your battery. However, higher rated coils deliver less clouds though but more flavor.

3) Turn down the wattage. If your mod has adjustable wattage, for best efficiency its ideal to vape around 40-50 watts. Vaping at 200 watts all the time will drain your batteries far more quicker and also your liquid will finish at a far more superior rate.

4)  Don't chain vape. If you keep smoking your ecig one puff after another for long periods of time, it will make the battery charge more weak. So i suggest that you have gaps it between every five vapes for the battery to recharge itself back to its regulated voltage.

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