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How To Test a Washing Machine Motor Using a Car Battery

If you not sure if the washing machine motor is faulty, using a car battery, you can test if the motor works.

Instructions on how to test a washing machine motor:

1)Get a spare car battery, that is charged.

2)You will need to get 2 wires, so you can connect the motor to the car battery.

3)On most washing machine motors, there are two connections which are negative and positive. Connect the negative wire onto the negative post on the car battery. Then connect the positive wire onto the positive post on the car battery.

3)Now hold the negative wire and hold the positive wire your hand, touch the negative wire onto the negative terminal on the motor and touch the positive wire onto the positive terminal on the motor.

4)If the motor is spinning, it shows the motor is not faulty. If the motor is not spinning, then i recommend you to dissemble the motor and see if the carbon brushes have burned out.

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