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How To Fix a Not Working Xbox 360 Headset

If your Xbox 360 headset is stopped working, firstly you will need to identify what is not working, it can be either the speaker, or the microphone, that is the cause to this problem to occur. To identify if the speaker is stopped working, plug in the headset into the controller and join a online game and turn the volume to the maximum level, can you hear anybody talking? If you can't then the speaker is the problem.

Most of the time, the wires that are connected to the speaker have become disconnected or are not firmly connected to the terminals on the speaker because of cold solder joints. So you will need to get access to the speaker that is inside the headset and using a soldering iron, reheat the solder or if the wires have been removed from the terminal, using soldering wire and a soldering iron, solder them back on.

If the speaker is working fine and the problem with the headset is, when you speak through the microphone, the person on the other end can't hear you, then you will need to apply to solutions to the mic:

1)Make sure the headset is not muted.

2)Remove the sponge from the microphone and using a hoover clean the microphone.

3)If cleaning didn't work, then you will need to reheat the solder connection on the mic, as they can become weak. If you notice a wire has been removed from the microphone, solder it back on should fix it.

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