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How To Fix a Squeaky Car Fan Belt

Having a noisey fan belt, can make your car sound embarrassing, but don't worry because i have a simple solution to eliminate the squeaky noise that is produced by the fan belt.

Instruction on how to fix a squeaky fan belt:

1)Turn on your car engine and pop up the hood.

2)Open the hood and locate the fan belt, which is near the radiator, the fan belt will be attached onto the fan.

3)Once you have located the fan belt, spray some WD-40 onto the fan belt, until the squeaky noise stops.

4)Once it has stopped, switch off your car engine.

If you have sprayed WD-40 onto the fan belt and it still makes a squeaky noise, sometimes without notice, the fan belt is loose, so i recommend you adjust the pulleys and tighten them up slightly.

If adjusting the pulleys makes to impact on eliminating the squeaky noise the fan belt makes, then if the fan belt looks worn out, your best bet would be to replace it.

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