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How To Temporary Fix a PS2 Slimline With a Broken Lid

A ps2 slimline console has a lid that opens and closes, so you can swap games or movies. The lid itself gets worn out because the fragile spring holding it opens and closes far too often, after a few years of using your ps2 slimline, there will be a day when the lid simply breaks off. Once the lid is broken, your ps2 is useless as the game disc will not spin, as the sensors will not get pressed down, therefore it will not load and you can't play it. However, you can get it repaired, but the ps2 slimline has little value, due to its old age, so it is not worth getting it repaired, as in most cases the repair is more than the retail value of the console. So use the temporary solution provided because you can still play games, like normal, with little cost.


1)Insert a game disc into the ps2 console, a game that you want to play. 

2)Then place the broken lid back into its original position, it goes on top of the disc.

3)Get some insulation tape, tape that is strong enough to hold the broken lid in place on the console, without ripping of the paint, when you remove it. Rip a small amount of tape from the roll and place the tape onto the side of the lid. This tape will hold the lid down and prevent it moving or falling off when playing a game.

4)Power on your ps2 slimline console, the game disc will spin and will begin, like normal. If you would like to change the game, remove the tape, swap the disc and replace the tape.

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  1. a more permanent fix is to take out the spring so the lid doesn't spring back open. it stays on the button unless you open it yourself. my ps2 slim is a 77001 model, this trick works for it.

  2. Tape down the two sensor switches down and remove the spring for the brake and leave the lid off...only downside is no protection for the disc while swap either turn off the console or hold down the motor and swap
