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How To Move & Transfer Xbox Live Profile To a USB Stick

When you create an Xbox Live profile on your Xbox 360 console, it will save all of its contents onto the capacity of the attached hard drive. This is so your profile is saved onto the console, so you can continue to use it, without having to create it again. If you want to use the same gamer profile on a different Xbox 360 console, you can transfer it quite easily, without having to download it. Making this method perfect if your console is not connected onto the internet and is offline. To make this work, you will need to move the Xbox Live profile from your current Xbox 360 onto a USB memory stick. Once you have done that, you can then retrieve it on the second Xbox 360 console. Any USB memory stick will work, it doesn't have to be the official Sandisk Microsoft one, as long as it got around 100mb of free space on-board, you will have no problems.

1) Switch on your Xbox 360 console, by pressing down the circle shaped 'Power Button'. Then press the 'Dashboard' button on the controller to connect it to the console.

2) There will two 'USB' ports found on the front of the console. You will not see them because there is a 'Plastic Flap' that covers them up, to prevent dust getting into them. So 'Push' down the plastic flap and insert your 'USB Memory Stick' into any of the two USB ports. Once inserted, if your USB memory stick has a 'LED' light, it will light up to confirm that it is connected and is active.

3) Then from the Dashboard, go to 'Settings' > 'Storage' > 'All Devices' > 'Gamer Profiles'.

4) You will see all the gamer profiles that are saved onto the hard drive. Select the one that you want to move onto the USB stick. Then select the 'Move' option and select the 'USB Storage Device' option. You will see your USB memory stick name pop up onscreen, so select it and the transfer process will begin. The progress will be shown onscreen how much data has been copied onto the device.

5) Only remove it once it has full been transferred because if you pull it out half way through, you will corrupt the data. Once it has been copied over, you can safely remove the 'USB memory stick' from the console. This is by pulling it outwards from the console.
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