Ok so you have just passed your driving test and officially got a drivers license?.For your first car you need to get a cheap car that you can afford insuring on the road.As well as cheap car insurance you want a car that does good on fuel a car that does more miles per gallon.(mpg).Also a cheap car so you can afford to get it fixed cheaply at your local garage,and get cheaper parts.Most teenagers have there eyes on sporty cars with all body kits,but find out they cannot have it because they have a money issue.Any vehicle on the road is classed as a insurance group between 1-20.The general rule is the lower insurance group the cheaper car insurance,the higher the insurance group the more you got to pay.
That is why i recommended 5 top cars that do good on fuel and are cheap to insure on the road.

1) A
Ford Fiesta because they are good on fuel and don't drink that much juice and the non spec fiesta a classed as insurance group one .They are good on parts,and affordable to get fixed at your local garage.

Peugeot 206 due to the fact that it is insurance group 2,cheap to insure.Infact the fiesta is still cheaper but its look good and blends in whats on the road today.These are also good on fuel,and have a nice drive and parts are cheap and easy to find.

Vauxhall Corsa because the standard basic 1.0 liter corsa is classed as group 1 to insurance companies.Group1 is the the cheapest to insure at is a extra benefit especially if you have just turned 17 years of age.These cars are very very good on petrol.Cheap parts all over the net,and they look half decent as a car itself.

4)Is a
Renault Clio,because it falls into insurance group 2 only on the low spec model.Make sure if your thinking about your first car don't get the v6 sport clio if your looking for cheap car insurance.These cars are ok on fuel,and secondhand/used parts are a little hard to find.

Fiat Punto is a good boys car,infact its classes as insurance group 2-3 depends on the engine size year,model and spec.The old shape manual punto's,can be around about £1000,with tinted windows and a sound system.Nice cars to drive and not bad mpg,but out of the five its not the one that is going to be the cheaper car to insure.There are loads of Fiat Puntos breaking for spears,so parts are cheap and are not a problem.
For a first car get something small,this is because insurance is cheap.Then after a few years of driving you can buy a nice looking sporty car and have it on the road.First up is getting a clean record on your drivers license this will come to use later on in life when thinking about upgrading your car.When your thinking about your second car it will not be as expensive then your first car.Only cheaper, when you have more than 2 year of claim bounes behind you and you the driver has not made any insurance claims at all. This will come as a favor,when coming to buying a sport car.You will get tones of discounts from various insurance providers when it comes to insure your second sporty car,if you have a clean record that is!!
But for now drive safely and buy a cheap car and keep that license clean for at least 2 years and you should be in gear for buying a nice sporty car after 2 years when the insurance is acceptable and affordable for you to insure.