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How To Play Sega Dreamcast Games On a Computer/PC/Laptop Using a Emulator

The Sega Dreamcast was a good gaming console when it came out, it was in competition with the psone from Sony and in my opinion it had better graphics. However, Sega gave up with the console in 2001, due to the ps2 coming out on its way, but in the time the Dreamcast was out, it had games that were highly popular to gamers, games like, Crazy Taxi and Sonic Adventures, which if it had a Dreamcast today i enjoy them still today. However, many people no longer have a Dreamcast console, but if you have a decent computer or laptop, then you can play them by running the games off a Dreamcast emulator that is available download for free on many gaming download websites.


1)Select a decent emulator that can run Dreamcast games on your computer without the games running slow and crashing when loading. I would recommend a reliable emulator called "Chankast" because it is one of the best currently available to use.

2)Once you have downloaded a emulator to run the games, you will then need to extract the emulator files onto your computer and install them. Once installed, the emulator will make your computer act as a Dreamcast console, how clever is that!

3)Download a game you want to play in a ROM file from a website that collects Dreamcast games in ROM files. ROM files are a copy of a game that makes a emulator play the game from files, instead of a game discs.

4)Once you have downloaded the ROM of the game you want to play, open the emulator and select the ROM you have downloaded onto your computer's hard drive, this is to initiate the game.

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