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How To Clean a PS1 Game Disc

A ps1 game disc can no longer work and can cause a disc read error to occur on your psone console, this can make the game not work and unplayable. The likely reason why this can happen is because the surface of the disc were the laser lens reads the data off can be dirty, dust and greasy finger prints can be on the disc surface, that can causes errors. Cleaning a psone disc is not hard, but if it is scratched badly, cleaning it will not remove the scratches, though you could try toothpaste to buff them off.


1)Remove the disc from your ps1 console that you want to wipe clean, the disc can be removed by pressing the "Eject" button down and remove the disc, with the grip from your hands.

2)Once the game disc is removed, rinse the "Black" shiny surface under a tap, with cold water and using washing up liquid, rub it into the surface of the disc, using a soft, lint free cloth. Washing it with a cleaning liquid and water will immediately remove dirty and finger prints.

3)Give it another rinse with water, to remove the washing up liquid, then get a soft cloth, that is dry and using it, wipe the disc clean, this is to remove the remaining water left on the disc surface.

4)Once you have completed the cleaning process, the game will be dust and finger print free, so you can insert it into the ps1disc drive, shut the flap, press the reset button and begin to play the game.

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  1. what about scratches, i have legend of mana game and it's just covered in scratches, i tried toothpaste and it wont work, any other ways???

  2. I also heard that Brasso Metal Polish works to
