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Why is high performance car insurance quotes really expensive for young drivers as well??

Car insurance always depends on the driver and the car and the area that you surround you and you car.The driver has to have a clean record,no speeding points at all.If the car you have or going to buy is classed as a high performance car, meaning it capable of reaching ridiculous speeds,meaning to car insurance comapnies,telling them that you are more likely to crash it.Insurance companies think that you might have a accident,because your more likely to speed in a high performance car rather than a non performance car.Well are you thinking of getting a nice high performance sports car? Well think again! Wait hold on,read this first! First think is the car classed as a  high performance car,if yes then its most likely going to cost you loads out of you wallet.Also find out what insurance group its in.The general rule is the higher the insurance group the more you got to pay out of you pocket.Never mind that,! if your a young driver and just started driving car insurance will be to sky high.So if your young aged typically between 17-21 get a non sporty car,its does more mpg and plus you will be getting cheaper car insurance.There is always time later on in life when you can buy a high performance car.By years go past you will have enhanced your driving experience and possibly handle better a high performance car.You could to save a thousands on just car insurance,just wait trust me on this.Don t drive a Mitsubishi evo just yet,if you struggle with cash that is? If you just started driving.especially if your a young driver then its most likely insuring a high performance car will be to expensive to insure.

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