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How To Remove Mobile Network Logo From Phone Housing

Mobile phone network providers add a network branding logo on the actual cover of the phone, to help them market there network across the public. The carrier logo is usually placed either on the front or rear fascia of the mobile phone. Along with the annoying network operator logo, the phones firmware will also have networking branding in the menus and at start up screens. This can be removed by flashing the mobile phone with non branded firmware. The network logo on the actual phone can also be removed if necessarily required. The network logo is stamped on quite well, so the best solution would be to use turpentine to remove it. I have already tried it on my Blackberry and iphone and have verified that it does work. This cleaning solution contains active ingredients that remove all kinds of paint and works brilliantly for permanently removing all kinds of operator logos.

1) Locate the network logo that you want to remove on your device. Then use masking tape, to tape off the area around it completely. This will prevent the turpentine solution to spread around the logo and onto other areas of the phone cover.

2) Unscrew the protective cap from the bottle of turpentine. Turn the cap around and pour a sensible amount of the cleaning solution into the cap. Then obtain a cotton swab and dab one side into the turpentine liquid in the cap. 

3) Using the wet side of the cotton swab, place it directly onto the network logo and rub rapidly in circular motions continuously. Regularly check to see how much progress you are making with removing the logo. Stop rubbing the network logo when it has faded away, if you continue rubbing further, you might fade away the paint on the cover and destroy the color!

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