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How To Turn Off & Disable Startup Tone On Any Nokia Phone

Nokia has always included a unique start up sound, which is followed by two people shaking hands, along with the Nokia logo. Nokia have included the startup tone for decades on wide range of different devices, including the trusty old 6230i. Some people might like hearing this tone every time you power on your phone and others may find it annoying. Thankfully, when Nokia included the statup tone feature on handsets, they included an option which allows you to disable the start up sound. So technically yes it is possible to permanently get rid of the Nokia start up sound if you prefer.

1) Switch on your mobile phone. Once booted onto the home screen, press the middle button to enter into the 'Main Menu'.

2) From the 'Main Menu' select 'Settings'. The settings option has a small logo of a 'Spanner' that it is represented by, that you can use to help you find it.

3) A variety of settings will now appear in a list format onscreen. Keep going down this list until you see 'Phone' settings. Once you have found the 'Phone' setting option, select it to enter into it and expand its features.

4) Then keep going through the list of more options until you see the option called 'Start-up tone'. It should say beside it 'On' if you can currently hear the tone. Now to deactivate it, press the middle button and select 'Off'. If successfully done, a confirmation message will appear onscreen saying 'Start-up tone off'.

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