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What Benefit Of Installing Dual Batteries In My Car Audio System?

If you have a high powered car audio system, with power hungry subwoofers and amplifiers, you will need to be thinking about upgrading the electrical side of your car. This can include a higher amps alternator and a high performance car battery, to keep up with the bass. If you have two car batteries in your cars electrical system, it won't make much of a sound difference on your system, while you're driving your car on the road.

Dual batteries are useful and are a handy requirement, but only if you listen to your bass system when you are parked up and turned off the car's engine. This is because when you turn off your car engine, the car battery is not getting charged up, due to the engine to making the alternator deliver constant charge to the battery. However if you have a second battery hooked to a isolator, the first car battery will be for the car and the second battery will be just for your car audio system. So this means that the second car battery will have extra power capacity, which means more bass when your listen to your subs, when you turn the car's engine off.
If you want loud, hard hitting bass, when you are parked up, a second battery is ideal, as an electrical power upgrade. If you want more bass when your are driving on the road, it is better to upgrade the stock battery, use 0 gauge power wire and a alternator that can produce higher amps.

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