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Excellent Advice On How To Keep Your Ps3 Console Dust Free

If you have a ps3 console, you want to keep it dust free because dust eventually kills the console! A ps3 that is get exposed to loads of dust on a daily basis if not good because the internal parts in the ps3 will get dusty. Parts such as the cooling fan and laser lens, found in the bluray drive. If dust gets into the cooling fan, it will make it louder, if dust goes onto the laser lens, it will make the ps3 struggle to read game discs. Dust can also block the air ventilation of the console, increasing the chances of it to overheat and get the 'Yellow light of death', during long duration gaming sessions. Overall, you want to keep your ps3 dust free, to help towards increasing its life span. 
1)Hoover the place regularly were you keep the Playstation 3 console. This will get rid of unwanted dust; this makes no dust, so the dust can't go on or in the ps3 console, keeping it dust free.

2)Don't place it on a carpet because it is fully of dust, dust, dust, even if you hoover it, there is always still some remaining! Something like a table or desk is ideal.

3)Hoover the air vents on the sides and rear of the console, this will improve cooling because unwanted hot air can escape freely and remove dust.

4)Do a fan test on the ps3 every month, this makes the ps3 fan blow out the dust from the rear air vents.

5)When you are not using the ps3 console, place a cover on the ps3 to keep dust off the ps3 housing.

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