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Comparision Graphics Hot Pursuit Xbox vs Ps3

 Ok so You want to know which console has better graphics,when playing it on the xbox 360 and the ps3? You have come to the right place to find out the answer. I got hold of a copy of need for speed hot pursuit directly from EA.This is a one of million chance and they give me it  for free to test after emails after emails:)I must have been really lucky to get hold of the xbox 360 and ps3 version of the game to test! I came home and i could not wait to test the graphics of ps3 and the xbox 360 graphics potentiality.All test were done on a 52" Samsung 1080p setup.Well as soon as i played it on the ps3 the graphics were crazy.The best looking racing game made so far!.The city really looked nice with rich textures and the detail of the roads where shiny.

Now the xbox 360's turn,i inserted the game fist off.Then installed the game to the hard drive,to make loading times faster and reduce the noise from the disc drive.Ok so it just installed it and hit a on the controller to load hot pursuit up!I noticed that the Loading times were ok,but the ps3 was much much faster.Due to the fact at EA games now know how to develop good quality graphics games for the ps3.Ok so i noticed when i was driving the road detail was a little better on the ps3 rather on the xbox 360.Still I kept my eyes on the road,I could not see much a difference between the ps3 and 360.Frame rates were to good on both of the gaming consoles.I think that its getting to good and you cant really tell any more.

So i made my mind up and to summarize up that they are just as good as each other.PS3 used to suck,because developers who made the games,did not know how to design the games for the ps3.So they just used to convert them from the xbox 360 to the ps3.The ps3 has got more power than the xbox 360 on paper,but still game developers find it hard to make games for the ps3.

Well watch this video of both console playing need for speed hot pursuit and
which console do you think has better graphics in this video?Leave your thoughts and comments:)

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