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How To Clean a Nintendo DS Screen

The screen on your Nintendo ds console can become dirty because of you using your finger instead of the stlus pen that is provided. If you use your finger, you will cause greasy fingerprints to appear on the screen. The screen can also become very dusty, if you haven't use your Nintendo ds console for a long time. So you will need to clean the ds screen, but you have to clean it the right way. I have seen people cleaning the screen using solvent based chemicals, which eventually damaged the touch sensitivity of the screen. You don't need to use powerful cleaners to clean the screen; all you need is a lint free cloth, that is soft and dust free.


1)Open your Nintendo ds console, this is so you can access the screen.
2)Get your lint free cloth and clean the screen upwards and downwards, slowly, without scrubbing hard. Scrubbing harder will not make the screen cleaner, instead it will cause scratches to appear and you could crack the screen. Also make sure you don't clean the screen, using the lint free cloth in any circular motions, this will cause scratches to appear and will be visible in direct sunlight.

3)Once you have cleaned the screen, if you find that the top screen is dirty and dusty, then apply step 2 for that screen as well. When you have finished cleaning both ds screens, place the lint free cloth in a place were it can't get misplaced, as you may need it again, when the screen becomes dirty and dusty again.

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