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How to fix Alpine blinking protection light its easy

There are many people that are facing problems with there Alpine amplifiers,that the protection green led or music red lights keeps and flashing.This can happen on the following models mrv-1507,mrd-f752 and the mrv-t757.Your amp goes into protection mode to protect you amp from burning out,thanks to Alpine's clever circuit design.Fixing it can be a nightmare,but i found out ways to stop the lights from coming up.

1)Check your ground is good and strong,check is your grounding terminal bolted on to bare naked metal?If its touching paint,then scrape the paint of using a knife or screwdriver.Usually it happens of bad grounding or earth to the amp itself.Paint will stop a good ground because paint is not a electrical conductor.

2)Check if your voltage is a minimum of 12 volts,the easiest way to find out how much voltage your amps getting if buying a car audio power capacitor.Most power caps come with a built in volt meter,that displays how much volts you amp is getting.Do not check your voltage when you have parked up you car,because your alternator is not charging you battery up.Drive around the block,and then check how many volts your getting to the amp if its 12v or more then its all good!

3)Turn you gain down all the way down until the flashing lights stops.The gain is the most common cause for the lights to appear.Backing you gain,reduces the gain received from the head unit through the rca leads into your amp.Check the impedance load of you sub woofers,if its less that 4 ohms you could be risking your amp to blow it,unless its ok to go down to 2ohms,check your specs online or find your user manual.

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