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How To Fix a Xbox 360 Cracked Faceplate

If you have dropped your Xbox 360 console or you have removed the faceplate off the front of the console incorrectly, the faceplate could be cracked. If the faceplate on your Xbox 360 is cracked slightly and is hardly noticeable, then you can repair the crack, using super glue to seal it up and prevent the crack from expanding and going bigger. If the crack is very large and beyond repair, then i suggest you buy a replacement faceplate, as it will make the front of your Xbox 360 look brand new once again.


1)Make sure that any usb devices, memory units are removed from the console and also make the sure that the disc tray is closed. Then go ahead and remove the faceplate from the Xbox 360 console, this is by holding the console firmly and using your thumbs to push the faceplate off.
2)Once the faceplate is off, locate the crack. Then gets some super glue that sticks to plastic materials and open the lid, by unscrewing it. 

3)Gently pour in the super glue into the crack, slowly with ease. Don't rush or press the super glue bottle really hard, this will cause glue to be poured all over the faceplate, creating a mess. Once the crack is filled up with super glue, replace the lid onto the bottle. 

4)Allow the glue in the crack, to dry, this make take a while, i say about 1 hour. But the trying time depends on the brand and strength of the super glue you used, to be more specific, look at the label, to find out exactly how long the glue will take to dry.

5)Then replace the faceplate back onto the front of your Xbox 360 console, this is by align the tabs on the faceplate with the slots on the console and then pressing the faceplate inwards until it clicks in place.

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