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How To Make a Car Amplifier Sound More PowerFul

A car amplifier can be attached to your car stereo to provide more linear power to your speakers. This will overall result in a better sounding audio system because it has the ability to generate a cleaner signal at higher volume levels. Therefore this will result in less distortion to be heard when you bump it hard. Car amplifiers are usually used with a combination of a subwoofer mounted into an enclosure. They can also be installed to provide power to your component or coaxial speakers in your doors. If you are not satisfied with the volume of your audio system with your current amp, you can make a few changes to improve your amplifiers ability to output power.

1) Stiffen up the voltage. A car amplifier only outputs its full potential RMS power at the rated 14.4 volts. If your car's electrical system can't maintain the voltage at that level, your car amplifier will not receive sufficient power to work to its optimal potential. Consider yourself to replace the stock battery with a deep cycle one. These are designed to hold charge for a more longer period of time. Also you can install a power capacitor. This is a device that holds the battery charge for a short period of time. It reserves the power and prepares it to feed it into the amp when the bass drops hard.

2) Reduce the ohm impedance load. The lower the electrical resistance is, the more power the mosfet transistors will produce. Before lowering the ohm load, please check in the user manual for the lowest possible ohm configuration with your speakers or subwoofers. This is because some amplifiers are not designed to be stable a 1ohm, they can overheat and eventually develop a fault. If you are using just one subwoofer connected to a 2 channels amp, you can also bridge both channels and create one total output to feed more power into the driver.

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