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How To Remove a Broken RCA Pin From a Car Amp

RCA jacks are used to provide connectivity with audio and video signal sockets. You will usually see these used on car amplifiers or household electrical items such as televisions and DVD players. If the RCA pin is broken from pulling out the jack too quickly, the pin will stay stuck inside the middle core. This can be a problem because you can no longer use it. Removing a broken RCA pin is fairly easy to remove and can be done without actually opening up the device internally.

1) Obtain any kind of metal needle.

2) Using a hard surface, bend the end of the needle so that it creates a barb ended shape.

3) Using a lighter, heat up the barb end until it glows red hot.

4) Insert the needle into the middle plastic segment of the RCA connector. Leave it in this position for 5 seconds.

5) Once the needle has cooled back down, gently pull the need outwards. The stuck RCA pin should be wedged onto the end of the needle removing it completely.

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